Allan Chou

Allan Chou, born in Taipei, Taiwan, has built a remarkable career as an entrepreneur. He comes from a family with a strong tradition of entrepreneurship and small business start-ups. Throughout his life, Allan has been actively involved in his family’s businesses in Taiwan, Ghana, and the United States.

In 1982, Allan founded Trio Courage Ltd. in Ghana, specializing in the manufacturing of a popular food drink called Poki, along with general goods import and export. Trio Courage Ltd. has since diversified into various strategic business units and remains a successful trading company.

With the support of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a division of the World Bank, Allan established Wahome Steel Ltd. in 1987. This company became one of the largest steel manufacturers in Ghana, supplying iron rods across the West African Sub-Region. Allan served as Managing Director until 1995 and later as Board Chairman until his retirement in 2000.

In 1998, Allan ventured into the nail manufacturing industry by founding Meridian Metal Materials Ltd. The company imported wire rods from Germany and supplied them to local manufacturers of nails and iron rods.

Aside from his business endeavors, Allan Chou has shown a keen interest in property development. He owns a 24.3-acre land near the Tema motorway roundabout in Ghana and is partnering with a South African investor to develop a top-notch shopping mall in the area.

In 2010, Allan established A & M Mining Company Ltd., focused on gold exploration and mining in Ghana. The company holds a license from the Precious Minerals Marketing Company (PMMC) to buy and export gold. Additionally, A & M Mining Company Ltd. provides consultancy and logistical support to other mining firms.

Allan Chou’s entrepreneurial journey, spanning Taiwan, Ghana, and the United States, exemplifies his dedication and passion for business.

周森林(Allan Chou)出生於台灣台北,並在台灣和加納兩地生活過。根據2001年《國籍法規》(LI 1690),他於2010年2月18日宣誓成為加納合法公民,因為他在加納已居住超過45年。他是一位成就卓越的商人。他來到加納並創立了Trio Courage有限公司。

Allan Chou receiving Award from President J. J. Rowlings

Trio Courage有限公司是一家依照1963年公司法(第179號法案)於1982年6月24日在加納註冊成立的有限責任公司,並於1982年10月開始經營。該公司從事食品飲料(常稱為Poki)的製造,以及一般商品的進出口業務。Poki品牌在全國范圍內成為家喻戶曉的名字。Trio Courage有限公司一直是一家成功的企業,並在這段時間內多元化發展成其他戰略業務單位。

然後,在1987年,周森林在世界銀行旗下的國際金融公司(IFC)的支持下,創辦了Wahome Steel有限公司。Wahome Steel當時是加納以及整個西非地區最大的鋼鐵生產公司之一。該公司位於Tema的重工業區,為該地區提供鐵筋產品。周森林在1987年至1995年期間擔任Wahome的總經理,後來成為董事會主席,直到2000年退休。

此外,周森林於1998年創辦了Meridian Metal Materials有限公司。Meridian Metal Materials有限公司是位於加納Accra南部工業區的一家釘子製造公司。該公司從德國進口鋼筋並供應給加納許多製釘和鋼筋的公司。


周森林(Allan Chou)於2010年創立了A&M Mining Company有限公司。A&M Mining Company有限公司從事黃金勘探和採礦業務。該公司由來自中國的專家團隊與加納的合作夥伴共同合作。A&M Mining Company有限公司獲得了寶貴礦物銷售公司(PMMC)的許可,可以購買和出口黃金。此外,該公司還為其他採礦公司提供包括諮詢和物流在內的採礦支援服務。A&M Mining Company有限公司與加納華聯總會(Ghana Chinese Chamber of Commerce)、中國駐加納大使館、中非發展基金等組織保持著緊密的合作關係。

2003年與朋友們共同創立了迦納中華高爾夫球隊(Ghana Chinese Golf Association),目前星期日高爾夫球活動有超過40多名成員。

1997年3月17日,周森林創立了A&M Development有限公司,展示了他對房地產和土地開發的興趣。該公司成功地擁有和管理了多個物業,包括商業綜合體、住宅公寓、倉庫和綜合用途開發項目。

